Please note that ALL children aged 13 and under are required to wear helmets and it is strongly recommended for all skaters while on the ice.  We encourage parents to help enforce this policy.

As a private club, our reputation is based on the quality of our membership. The behavior and conduct of each member reflects on the reputation of all members. Accordingly, all members should abide by, and expect each other member to abide by, certain standards of behavior when at the Club and when representing the Club at another facility.

The following Member Code of Conduct has been adopted by the Board of Governors to guide the membership in understanding their responsibilities in maintaining the good reputation our Club has earned over many years.

Winter Club members are expected to:

Conduct themselves in a manner that reflects positively upon them individually and the whole of the New Canaan Winter Club.  

  • Conduct themselves in a manner that reflects positively upon them individually and the whole of the New Canaan Winter Club.
  • Respect and uphold the Club’s history, culture, and good standing in the community.
  • Be familiar with and abide by rules and regulations in the membership handbook, including the Club’s by-laws, clubhouse rules, rink rules, Hardon Pond rules, and chaperone duties, and to respect the Club’s property and facilities.
  • Abide by the USA Hockey Code of Conduct and the Sport Parent Code of Conduct.
  • Display good sportsmanship in all Club events, both on and off the ice whether at our rink or any other facility.
    • Sportsmanlike conduct includes showing respect and consideration in language and behavior toward all who are in attendance at an athletic event: officials, coaches, athletes, opponents, spectators, and the media.
    • Unsportsmanlike conduct includes inappropriate behavior in language, gesture, or action that demeans, physically intimidates, or endangers others, not just during athletic competition but also during other activities of the Club.
    • Good sportsmanship also implies winning with character and losing with dignity, both with class.
  • Respect the opinions, decisions, results, and other determinations of referees, coaches, volunteers, program heads, committee members, employees, governors, and Justin Bartolo, the Rink Manager.

The Board of Governors believes that violations of this Member Code of Conduct or the Club’s rules and regulations could materially diminish the reputation of our Club. Any member who violates this Member Code of Conduct or the Club’s rules and regulations will be subject to disciplinary action which may include a warning, suspension of program participation, or expulsion from the Club.

  1. All members must clean up after themselves.
  2. No roughhousing.
  3. No using cell phones inside.
  4. No pets inside.
  5. Taking or “borrowing” of equipment that does not belong to you, without permission of the equipment’s owner, is grounds for suspension.
  6. Consumption of food is confined to the dining area only.  No food or beverage is allowed in the upholstered lounge section.
  7. No smoking or vaping.
  8. No alcoholic beverages or drugs on Club property. Using Club facilities in possession of or under the influence of alcohol or drugs is prohibited.
  9. The machinery room is off-limits to all persons except the Rink Managers and other authorized personnel.
  10. Skate changing on wooden benches only.  
  11. No hockey sticks inside.
  12. Members and guests are required to exercise utmost quiet when leaving the Club during late evening hours.  The honking of car horns is prohibited.
  13. Fires may only be made by the Rink Manager or other NCWC staff.
  14. No playing or running in the parking lot at any time.
  1.    Helmets
      1. ALL children 13 and under are required to wear a protective helmet and mittens/gloves.
      2. All hockey players, regardless of age, are required to wear a protective helmet and hockey gloves, and hockey players under 18 are required to wear a full shield or full cage.
      3. It is STRONGLY RECOMMENDED that skaters of ALL ages wear a protective helmet.
  2. On the ice, there are always skaters of varying ages and levels of abilities, and it is extremely dangerous to skate out of control at any time.  No tag, crack-the-whip, “keep away” or other dangerous games on the ice.
  3.  No cell phones, earbuds, or headphones on the ice.
  4. No food or beverages on the ice.
  5. No one is permitted on the ice when the Zamboni is in use.
  6. All partition hockey skaters must use the far door to enter/exit the rink.
  7. Pucks are NOT ALLOWED in the general skating area.  Pucks that get knocked from the partition hockey area into general skating must be picked up and carried, not stick handled.
  8. When there are too many skaters in the partition, or too diverse a range of ages, the manager on duty may, at his discretion, separate those in the partition into groups or take other appropriate action to facilitate the safe use of the rink by all skaters.
  9. Children under nine years of age are not allowed at the club unless accompanied by an adult member, sibling, or “sitter” at least 14 years of age.  The Club cannot function as a daycare center and young children should not be left on their own.  When left at the rink for scheduled activities, young children should be picked up promptly at the conclusion of those activities.
  10. Adult members should not carry small children while skating as this is a dangerous practice.
  11. We all should cooperate with the Rink Managers and not delay them from leaving the rink when their regular hours are over.  Please be sure to check closing times and be prompt in picking up your children.
  12. No guests allowed in partition hockey or full ice shinny hockey unless pre-approved by the NCWC’s Secretary.

Members and their immediate families, as well as their guests using the Club facilities, equipment or property, do so at their own risk.  The Club assumes no responsibility for injury or damage resulting from such use on the premises.  

  1. All members with children between and including the ages of 9 and 15, with the exception of Limited Members, present members of the Board of Governors, and designated travel hockey coaches are required to chaperone one evening during the general skating hours. In families where two adults are listed as members, both adults are required to be present for chaperone duty. Failure to report for chaperone duty will result in a $250 fine.
  2. Chaperones should arrive 10 minutes before general skating begins on Friday and Saturday evenings. Head Chaperones must introduce all the chaperones to one another, sign everyone in the Chaperone Duty Book and note whether or not there are substitutes for other families.
  3. Each child must register his or her name and telephone number in the Friday/Saturday General Skate Log Book. Every child’s hand will be stamped with a member color, which will rotate each weekend. Children will not be allowed on the ice unless they have a stamp on their hand.
  4. Guests must be signed in at the guest table by an ADULT member. Guests may not sign themselves in, nor can they be signed in by a child. Guests will be given a colored wristband, which will rotate each weekend. AN INDIVIDUAL GUEST MAY NOT USE THE CLUB MORE THAN TWO DAYS IN A SINGLE MONTH.
  5. There should be a chaperone posted at each of the entry doors onto the rink during general skating to check for stamped hands.
  6. Chaperones are encouraged to bring skates and be on the ice to help with chaperone activities. Hardon Pond must be closely supervised and checked regularly when open for skating.
  7. One chaperone must make a periodic check of the perimeter, parking lot, Zamboni hut, pond, and bushes. Alert the Rink Manager or another member of the NCWC staff on duty to any problems.
  8. One chaperone must remain at the Club until the last child is picked up. If a child is picked up 15 minutes late, the member will be assessed a $20 fine. If a child is picked up after 10:45 p.m., the fine is raised to $100.
  9. Children who are found roaming outside the parking lot or going off the premises will have their parents notified and will be asked to leave the general skate for the remainder of the evening.
  10. Please alert the Rink Manager to any problems


The voting members of the Corporation shall consist of the Governors and such other persons who shall, from time to time, be elected as voting members by the Board of Governors.  The status, rights, and privileges of voting members of the Corporation shall be distinct from the status, rights, and privileges of other members of the Club as provided for in Article V of these By-laws.  Such members of the Club shall not ipso facto be voting members of the Corporation.


SECTION 1.   The government and management of the Club shall be entrusted to a Board of Governors consisting of sixteen (16) persons, each of whom shall be either a member of the Club or the spouse of a member.

SECTION 2.   The Board of Governors shall be divided into two (2) classes of five (5) members each and one class of six (6).  Each class shall serve for a term of three (3) years until the successors are elected and qualify.

SECTION 3.   All vacancies occurring on the Board of Governors may be filled by a majority vote of the remaining Governors for the full unexpired term in which such vacancy occurs at any duly held meeting.

SECTION 4.   The Board of Governors shall have the usual powers, including the following:

  1. To make rules for their own government and by a majority vote to drop from the Board any member who shall have absented himself from three (3) consecutive meetings without having presented a satisfactory excuse for this absence to the Board.
  2. By a majority vote of the Board to elect officers as hereinafter provided and to remove any such officer by a two-thirds vote of the entire Board.
  3. By a majority vote of the Board to fill vacancies occurring in any office of the Club.
  4. By a majority vote of the Board to make such Club rules and regulations as the Board may deem advisable, including rules of the admission of visitors and guests.
  5. To admit members to the Club.
  6. By a vote of the majority of the Board to censure, suspend, or expel any member of the Club from the privileges of the Club for any violation of the by-laws or rules or for any conduct not in violation of the by-laws or of a rule which, in the opinion of the Board, is improper and prejudicial to the reputation of the Club.
  7. To require members to fulfill their responsibility to chaperone as needed.


 SECTION 1.   The Board of Governors, at its last meeting after the conclusion of the skating season but prior to the summer recess, shall elect from its number a president, two vice presidents, one or two secretaries, and other such officers who need not be members of the Board of Governors, as the Board shall deem necessary.  Such officers shall hold office for one (1) year or until his/her successor shall be duly elected.

SECTION 2.   The Board of Governors shall also appoint or delegate to the president the power to appoint and define the rights and duties of committees for the various activities of the Club and such other committees as the Board may deem necessary to assist in the management of the Club.

SECTION 3.   The president shall preside at all meetings of the Club and over the Board of Governors; he shall have general supervision of the management of the Club, shall perform all other duties incident to his office, and shall be an ex officio member of all committees.

SECTION 4.   In the absence or disability of the president, or both of the vice presidents shall perform and exercise the powers of the president and shall perform such other duties as may be imposed upon them by the Board of Governors.

SECTION 5.   The treasurer shall collect and receive all monies due to the Club and shall have custody of its funds and securities; he or she shall keep the accounts of the Club and shall pay all bills of the Club.

SECTION 6. The secretary shall keep the minutes of meetings of the Board of Governors; he or she shall keep the records of the Club; he or she shall have custody of the seal; and otherwise perform usual duties pertaining to that office.

SECTION 7.   The president or vice president, or treasurer shall execute all agreements and contracts on behalf of the Club.

SECTION 8. The funds in the Club’s bank accounts shall be subject to withdrawal by the officers in such manner as the Board of Governors may from time to time direct.


SECTION 1.   There shall be an annual meeting of the Club on or before the first day of December in each year at such time and place as the president shall designate.

SECTION 2.   A majority of the voting members of the Corporation present in person or by proxy shall constitute a quorum.  If no quorum is present, the presiding officer shall adjourn the meeting to a later day and hour with the same effect as if held up on the stated day.

SECTION 3.   In addition to the annual meeting, the president or a majority of the Board of Governors may call a special meeting of the Club at any time and place as the president, or a majority of the Board of Governors shall designate.

SECTION 4.   Notice of all meetings of the Club shall be given in writing or by telephone to the voting members of the Corporation at least two (2) days in advance of the meeting or such earlier time as shall be required by law.

SECTION 5.   Each year the Board of Governors shall appoint a nominating committee consisting of two (2) voting members of the Club and one (1) other member of the Club.  The nominating committee shall nominate candidates to be voted on for the Board and officer candidates for the coming year.  Subject to the provisions of Article II, Section 1, any member of the Club in good standing shall be eligible for elections to the Board of Governors.  Nominations so made by the nominating committee shall not be exclusive. Additional candidates may be nominated at the same board meeting when nominating committee recommendations are presented.  At that meeting, the election of governors and officers shall be by ballot.  A candidate must receive the votes of a majority of the serving board members to be elected.


SECTION 1.  The membership of the Club shall be limited to two hundred and fifty (250) regular members, twenty-five (25) special members, (125) one hundred and twenty-five limited-use members, and fifteen (15) non-resident members, the terms and conditions of whose memberships shall be determined by the Board of Governors. The secretary shall certify to the Board of Governors, upon request, the number of members in the Club.

SECTION 2.  Persons twenty-one (21) years of age and over shall be eligible for election as regular members.  Membership shall include Club privileges for spouses and unmarried children under the age of twenty-three (23) years residing at home or away at school.

SECTION 3.  Anyone applying for Limited-Use Membership must: (1) have been regular members in good standing for at least seven years, and (2) have no children participating in either the figure skating or hockey programs.  The maximum number of Limited-Use Members shall be no more than 125, with the number to be accepted in any one year to be set annually by the Board of Governors.  Club privileges shall be the same as a Regular Member.  Membership shall include privileges for spouses and unmarried children under the age of (23) years.

SECTION 4.  The time to change membership status will be during the month of February in the year in which the change in classification of membership is desired.  Members wishing to change membership status to Limited-Use Membership should provide written notice to the Chairman of the Membership Committee, stating that all criteria have been met.  ALL membership changes MUST be made before March 1st unless communication regarding any special considerations (e.g. child applying to private school, possible move, etc.) is made to and granted by the Chairman of the Membership Committee.

SECTION 5Non-Resident Membership is available to a limited number of Regular, Limited-Use, or Special Members in good standing whose principal residence is not within a 100-mile radius of New Canaan.  Club privileges will be the same as Regular members, provided that Club usage by such members is consistent with non-resident status.  Applicants should write to the Chairman of the Membership Committee before March 1 of the year in which change in membership is desired requesting Non-Resident Membership, and stating the reason for the request, and giving the new address.

In the event that a Non-Resident Member moves their principal residence to within a 100-mile radius of New Canaan, such Non-Resident Member may either resign, or else declare to the Membership Committee their intent to transfer to either Regular, Limited, or Special membership, at which point such member shall be re-admitted through the normal membership process, and may be placed at or near the top of the new member waitlist, at the discretion of the Membership Committee.

If the Non-Resident Member chooses to transfer to Limited or Special membership and then wishes to change back to Regular Membership, they will re-join the waiting list at the bottom along with other prospective members.

SECTION 6.  Anyone being considered for Special Membership must be: (1) a current full-time New Canaan Country School Teacher or Administrator; (2) a travel team coach (proposed by the Hockey Policy Committee); (3) a director of hockey, a director of junior hockey, or figure skating professional; or (4) a full-time, salaried employee of the New Canaan Police or Fire Department, or full-time, salaried clergy member in New Canaan, all of whom shall reside in the Town of New Canaan.  Special Members will be assessed Special Member annual dues and all applicable program fees. Special Members may invite guests in accordance with the Club’s guest policy.  Children of Special Members may participate in the Club’s travel hockey program upon approval of the Board.  Travel coaches are not permitted to coach their own children unless approved by the Board.  It is also understood that anybody applying for special membership under category 4 above shall, before being admitted as a Special Member, be introduced to the Club in accordance with the membership procedure outlined in Article VII of these By-Laws.  It is understood that once said application is complete and approved by the membership committee, said applicant’s name shall be submitted to the Board for immediate admittance.

Special Membership is an annual contract, which shall be reviewed by the Board of Governors once a year in September. Such annual review shall assess the status of and consider recommendations, if any, with respect to the specific Special Members.  It is the expectation of the Board of Governors that, after three years, Special Members shall transfer their membership status to Regular Membership.


SECTION l.  The Board of Governors shall in each year appoint a Membership Committee.  The Membership Committee shall, subject to Board approval, have power to determine the rules and procedures to be followed with respect to the admission of regular, special, and limited-use members.

SECTION 2.  All resignations must be made in writing to the Board of Governors, or the Chairman of the Membership Committee by March 31 of the year in which resignation is desired.  No resignation shall be accepted until all indebtedness to the Club of the member resigning shall have been discharged.  Any regular member desiring to resign or change membership status from the Club must do so before March 1st.  Requests received after March 1st are subject to a $500 penalty.  The above procedures shall also apply to any membership transfers.

SECTION 3.  Upon the death of a member leaving a surviving spouse, the membership of said member shall be transferred to said spouse automatically and immediately.

Article VII                 MEMBERSHIP PROCEDURE

SECTION 1.  Any Regular member, in good standing, who has been a member for at least one season, may propose, second, or write letters of support for a candidate.  A Limited use member may write letters of support for, but may not propose or second prospective members.  Members wishing to propose a candidate should direct them to the NCWC website to complete the online application. It is the proposer’s responsibility to coordinate and submit the candidate’s four letters. Proposing members are strongly encouraged to introduce the prospective candidate and his/her spouse to three or more members of the Membership Committee during periodic gatherings arranged for this purpose or informally at the Club or elsewhere.

SECTION 2.  Proposing, seconding, and supporting, letters should refer to the length of time the writer has known the applicant and his or her family members.  Letters written by social acquaintances will be most helpful to the Membership Committee.  Letters should indicate which programs the family may participate in and include background information on community and other activities that will serve as an indication of likelihood that the applicant will support the Club beyond use of the facilities. The Membership Committee reserves the right to ask for additional supporting letters, or information should it be deemed necessary.  Please submit all four letters (proposing, one seconding, and two supporting) at once to Kate Reilly, NCWC Membership Chair either via:

Email (preferred):

Or mail to:
124 Elm Place
New Canaan, CT 06840

SECTION 3.  The maximum number of proposing, seconding, and supporting letters the Committee will accept, from any member during any twelve-month period, will be six.  Within that limit, the number of proposing letters will be two.  That twelve-month period aside, members may have no more than two proposals pending acceptance at one time.

SECTION 4.  Members of the Membership Committee and spouses will be prohibited from writing letters proposing, seconding or supporting applications.

SECTION 5.  All candidates who have been proposed and approved for membership in the Club are expected to join at that time.  However, in the event a newly approved candidate desires to defer admission for up to one year, such candidate will be permitted to do so, and will maintain a position ahead of other candidates on the membership waitlist.  Any membership deferral in excess of one year must be approved by the Board.


All dues, assessments, initiation fees, and special membership rates shall be established, and revised from time to time, by the Board of Governors.

Article IX                  INDEBTEDNESS AND PENALTIES

SECTION 1.  Any member who shall fail to pay the initiation fee or dues within thirty (30) days after having been notified of his election, or by such later date or dates as the treasurer shall have agreed to, shall be considered to have forfeited his right to membership unless such failure shall be excused by the Board.

SECTION 2.  All dues, assessments, initiation fees, program and other related membership charges are due and payable within thirty (30) days of mailing.  Interest will be charged on any outstanding balances beyond thirty (30) days.  As soon as practical after the first day of each month, a notice shall be sent to each member stating the amount of his indebtedness for the preceding months and requesting him to pay the same before the first day of the next succeeding month.  If such indebtedness shall not have been paid within the time specified in the notice requesting payment, a final notice may be sent to such member.  If such indebtedness shall not be paid within two (2) weeks thereafter, then, unless in the judgment of the officers of the Club there are good and sufficient reasons for the delinquency, the delinquent, without further action on the part of the officers or the Board of Governors, may be forthwith suspended from membership in the Club.  Additionally, any member who has a balance outstanding from the prior season and/or from the annual dues, which will be billed in the month of April prior to the start of the season, will be unable to register any family member in any Club program until the balance is paid in full.  Upon payment of such indebtedness, the delinquent may be restored to membership only by the affirmative action of the Board of Governors, taken at any regular or special meeting.

SECTION 3.  A member introducing a person to the Club as a visitor or guest shall be liable for all charges incurred by such visitor or guest.


SECTION 1.  Any member of the Club may introduce as a visitor to the Club, a non-resident houseguest by requesting an invitation to be issued to such visitor.  The period for which any such invitation shall be issued may, at the discretion of the secretary, be up to, but not more than fifteen (15) days and any such invitation shall be issued to the same person only once a year.

This privilege is for out-of-town houseguests residing more than 50 miles from New Canaan.  The fee is $15.00 per person.

SECTION 2.  Guests of members may be admitted to the privileges of the Club only when accompanied by such member, on such terms and conditions as the Board of Governors may prescribe.  Guests may not use the club for more than two days in a single month.

Partition hockey or full-ice shinny hockey is NOT open to guests. Exceptions will be made for out-of-town visiting family members that are “approved” by the NCWC’s Secretary. There is a guest fee of $15.00. A member must register each guest before he is allowed to skate. For each violation of this rule, an extra guest fee will be charged to the member. Members are asked to explain this to their children.

SECTION 3.  The Board of Governors may, from time to time, for terms and conditions to be fixed by it, extend the privileges of the Club to such other persons or organizations as it shall determine.